醫療應用案例 Hospital explores using AI to autonomous... [2022/03/17] Toronto researchers are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to autonomously order imaging and other exams in the emergency department to help expedite patient tr... 急診室24小時智慧監控、模擬住院率調控病床…台北馬偕拚AI醫療超有感上工... [2022/02/22] 心率、血壓等留觀病人的生理數據,全都透過二十四小時動態監測在急診室「管理大看板」中一一顯示,一旦超過設定的危機值,圖示就會從綠色笑臉變成紅色苦瓜臉,並發出示警,藉此提醒醫護人員。... New AI algorithm can quickly detect x-ra... [2021/12/21] Emergency room and urgent care clinics are typically busy and patients often have to wait many hours before they can be seen, evaluated and receive treatment.... 醫護戴手套難打字 高雄長庚啟用AI口述病歷輸入... [2021/10/20] 為解決醫護因穿著不便打字的防護衣、工作手套導致難以輸入病歷的問題,高雄長庚醫院與台灣人工智慧實驗室合作,開發AI零接觸口述輸入系統,已在急診室和篩檢站啟用。... 東港安泰「愛因斯坦人工智慧醫療系統」 30秒找到腦出血救命... [2021/09/06] DeepCT的AI輔助判讀系統能在執行電腦斷層掃描檢查時,同步完成顱內出血的判讀,標示可能出血位置,血量,並在看診電腦上發出警示,提醒醫師先察看CT片確認,可縮短病人停留在急診室的時間,平均每位病人可縮短5~8分鐘,夜間時段更能夠節省40~50分鐘,讓病人能獲得即時的醫療處置,降低失能及死亡率,並可加速急診流程,增加急診病床週轉率,提昇急... 搶救心肌梗塞 人工智慧急診上線... [2021/08/29] 醫院急診分秒必爭,隨著AI人工智慧不斷發展,透過AI協助可望解決急診壅塞,並縮短病患等待救治的時間;在台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院將AI運用到急診搶救心肌梗塞病患,台南奇美醫學中心發展「急診胸痛AI病情預測系統」,都大幅減低誤判的機率,給患者最及時有效的治療。... Artificial Intelligence Accurately Predi... [2021/05/14] Trained to see patterns by analyzing thousands of chest X-rays, a computer program predicted with up to 80 percent accuracy which COVID-19 patients would develop life-thr... 三總研發AI心電圖 救護車上立即診斷爭取黃金時間... [2021/04/30] 急性心肌梗塞經常讓患者命懸一線,若及早判讀心電圖,可爭取黃金救援時間。三軍總醫院與台北市及新北市消防局合作,在救護車導入「心電圖AI判讀系統」,讓醫療團隊在患者到院之前,可以藉由心電圖AI輔助,即時判讀患者病況,同時也讓醫院端收到訊息,及早準備,盡快讓患者接受治療。... 急診胸痛病人AI個人精準病情預測系統... [2021/04/09] 胸痛是急診常見的病例,其嚴重者會產生心血管不良反應(MACE),例如心肌梗塞甚至死亡,此類病情變化較快且不易快速預測,即時正確的診斷與處置是醫師相當大的挑戰。... 擊退急診醫師的大敵!AI讓敗血症死亡率降低,還能解決急診壅塞... [2021/02/01] 急診室如同戰場,每天湧入大量病患,除了考驗醫護人員快速應變能力,排除急診壅塞也是一大難題。在AI智能科技輔助下,不僅加速檢傷分類、醫療診斷、減少病人短時間再回診,甚至能對付醫生的大敵—敗血症,讓敗血症病人死亡率下降超過1成以上。... 更多... 學術相關文章 Development and validation of a practica... [2021/12/15] Identifying critically ill patients is a key challenge in emergency department (ED) triage. Mis-triage errors are still widespread in triage systems around the world. Her... Applying Problem Transformation Methods ... [2021/07/27] For an emergency department (ED), patient readmissions after ED discharges in a short period are usually considered as an indicator to evaluate the quality of medical ser... Artificial intelligence-assisted reducti... [2021/03/17] Many studies suggest that patient satisfaction is significantly negatively correlated with the waiting time. A well-designed healthcare system should not keep patients wa... An artificial intelligence system for pr... [2020/8/4] During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, rapid and accurate triage of patients at the emergency department is critical to inform decision-making. We propo... A System for Predicting Hospital Admissi... [2020/12/14] Emergency Department (ED) crowding has become an issue of delayed patient treatment and even a public healthcare problem around the world. According to recent research st... Digital health during COVID-19: lessons ... [2020/09/22] The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in massive disruptions within health care, both directly as a result of the infectious disease outbreak, and indirectly because of publ... Applications of artificial intelligence ... [2020/07/08] Over the past 5 years, there has been an increasing number of applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) throughout various sectors of the econo... Applications of Machine Learning Approac... [2019/06/03] Using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in different medical fields, especially emergency medicine is rapidly growing. In this paper, studies conduc... Artificial intelligence to predict needs... [2019/01/09] Patient with acute coronary syndrome benefits from early revascularization. However, methods for the selection of patients who require urgent revascularization from a var... Artificial intelligence and machine lear... [2018/07/16] Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) research has grown rapidly over the past few years, in part thanks to the numerous successes of modern machine learning technique... 更多...