醫療應用案例 彰化秀傳醫院導入人工智慧系統,減少腦出血病人急診停留時間... [2020/10/22] 彰化秀傳醫院與知名 AI 醫療軟體新創公司 Deep01 合作,透過 AI 的腦出血自動判讀,即時通知醫師,並顯示於醫院的資訊系統,加速醫療決策的流程,有效減少腦出血病人在急診的停留時間。昨日(10/21)舉辦成果發表會,使用 AI 後,腦出血病人平均提早了 25 分鐘離開急診,進入下一步處置和治療,成為 AI 醫療產品在臨床應用的成功案... 更多... 學術相關文章 Artificial intelligence-assisted reducti... [2021/03/17] Many studies suggest that patient satisfaction is significantly negatively correlated with the waiting time. A well-designed healthcare system should not keep patients wa... An artificial intelligence system for pr... [2020/8/4] During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, rapid and accurate triage of patients at the emergency department is critical to inform decision-making. We propo... Artificial intelligence and machine lear... [2018/07/16] Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) research has grown rapidly over the past few years, in part thanks to the numerous successes of modern machine learning technique... 更多...